Thursday 14 January 2010

souls are sold separately

Ever had the thought you influence the next step of your life? we want people to fight for us but what is worth fighting for? We run faster and faster until we're alone and the reason is because we're scared of what may happen whether its the next best thing or disrupts us. Truth is once in a while we all worry about what happens next, the future is unpredictable and can screw us over but thats no reason to dwell as we should live for now. Its time to stop believing what everyone else tells you because they are not you. You have the power of change and can explore the heights of the sky, the depth of the sea and the width of the universe. The choice is yours. People will always leave and they're best left in the past as they are not worth the valuable time you have because 70 years isn't forever, just enough time to breath.