Thursday 22 September 2011

Daddy's Litttle Girl.

"We aren't built to be immortal. But we develop to survive and become stronger"

3 years on and i'm still hurting.
Your father is the strongest man you know and the only guy you can ever truly trust. From experience I vow that after Christmas 2008 I would amend the wounds with my dad, we are still recovering as a family to this very day.

23rd December 2008 - Admitted.

Christmas was on it's way, an exciting time in any household, but taken to the extreme in mine. His illness grew worse, the pain was upsetting to watch, frustrated at my dad for not listening to me. Guilt. Oh how guilty I felt that very day, it looked as if he was going to pass at any time.

25th December 2008 - My father didn't even recognise me.

I missed him so much, within 48 hours his complete looks and personality changed, my dad is my twin so I felt his pain, and I was hurting the most. I can't describe much, it was awful, he looked helpless and trapped, I went away and sobbed.

The strongest man in my life fell down and I couldn't stop it.

Before New Years Eve . . . He smiled. It broke my heart.

Few days later... HDU, life or death came many times for my dad over the three months, I was falling apart, my dear mum tried her upmost best to remain strong for both me and william, I was proud. The wires covered him, monitoring his heart, pumping blood and drugs around his body on test and trial basis, masks to help him breath- his weakness was his own enemy.
But it didnt stop my own pain, it didn't stop that my dad was crippled by illness, I just wanted him home.

Then came the rain... life support.

I'd never have thought it would get this bad. bad to worse in a few days, my friends didn't know of these happenings, until now, a friend, not someone I was partically close to, just some I could trust I confided in. Turns out he's my boyfriend of over two years now :) Happiness was rising in dark times.

10th February 2009 - Sweet Sixteen
Dad came home, a suprise, the best i've ever had, he looks well, weak but well. He can walk now and he looks stronger.

13th February 2009 - Home sweet Home
My dad has been on quite a journey over the last few months after overcoming pneumonia, septicemia, bleeding into his adrenals and a heartattack. Doesn't seem much, but in reality, it was hell.

After reading my story your probably wondering why I've wrote you such a long essay. Closure, I've needed it after three years this coming winter. I've always found that blogging helps me heal. Well this is my story, its taught me not to wait around for your life, go chase it.

Love is why we do it love is worth the pain
Love is why we fall down, get back up again
Love is where the heart lies love is from above
Love is this, this is love