Saturday 1 August 2009

Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly

Hey fellow reader :)

I know, I know I set this blog up months ago but i'll let you into a little secret on why I have been so distant. The truth is, a typical British summer has arrived and it may be my last before I head off into the world of A-levels.

Anyways on with the show-
The pilot of this blog is a rather annoyed feeling bubbling away at my brains, normality? what is normal- some say having children should be normal, but are the women who cant concieve to be blamed for their misfortune. In my case it doesnt involve children but some peoples way of expressing themselves which I believe to be completly normal but in others not. For your information this may make no sense of all, its just myself blowing off some steam from a particular incident in which I was left feeling uneasy.

Ahhh yes to continue the next few weeks will be full of good times and nonetheless fantastic memories. On the agenda, summer sundae, GCSE results, holiday, and the long await back to school which im rather glad is coming so weekly.
The weather is- well to be blunt; CRAP butI havent wrote something in that long I may hve forgot how to spell my own name (jokes). I hope things dont completly change when I go back to college- however change in inevitable and thats one fear I must overcome if to survive in the real world instead of some fantasy bubble which has been protecting me for the last sixteen years. The facts of life are tough and no one laid down the law when you are to be faced with reality. I suppose thats it isnt it? Some will cope others will fall but in order to get back up you need a safety net- I call them my friends.

Hope to be blogging back sooner than possible.
Love to you all- peace