Thursday 17 September 2009

My Gucci Is Better Than Yours...

hello sexy people ;)
yes, im in one of those moods- no not that one :|
the saying no news is good news isnt what it seems no more which comes to my attension that Leicester's beloved The Princess Charlotte is to re-open on the 8th October. I myself have had many good (and rather drunken) nights there myself and I first hand is going to experience the opening night. Things never stay the same though even if its the same place or person- atmospheres are what make things eventful. The famous line ups in the past include oasis, the babyshambles staring Peter Doherty and sheffield boys the arctic monkeys. However, is it such that these bands will play again- maybe or maybe not. The whole music industry has changed dramatically and more since the beginning of its time. No longer is there room for bands who just want to play music for music sake, nor is there time avaliable to non-mainstream bands. This is it, the conclusion to our problem- wheres the love in music? The current venue is tiny compared to other venues such as Birmingham Acadamy and Nottingham Rescue Rooms. But the grotty, old pub has that sense of history and quality around the dindgy toilets and fallen ceiling tiles. In fact, its not the gig, nor the bands local or famous that make the venue such a celebrity- its the night and the people who make history. The passion you feel in the crowd is unbelievable and you'll never find that in other venues across Leicester. Its a desire and something you wont understand unless you've been there, done that and got the cuts and bruises from moshing or even a little bit of a rave. The new owners are under alot of pressure to live up to their idols name but a lick of paint here and there wouldn't go a miss on the old gal. The Princess Charlotte re-opening its doors is our fairytale but the people you celebrate it with, well thats the happy ending.