Are people so far up their own jackside to not take to heart what people say. I know in some cases this is bad but what if they are just looking out for your health and own-well being? If a friend said nothing, they arent exactly living up to their roles. The barriers we create to keep people out will only produce isolation within ourselves. Does this mean there cannot be relationships or friendships in the future?
The American Dollar quotes "In God We Trust" how about a revolution and we start to agree with "In Lovers We Trust" or "In Friends We Trust". Certain people need to let go and begin to relate to others, finding out other peoples stories can inspire us to do something different with our lives. Maybe thats the change we all need. No, not need- must.
And finally, Austria isnt long away and so I got my helmet a few days ago :)
I adore it, and cant wait to be on the slopes once again