Monday 21 December 2009

somewhere a clock is ticking

Well 2009 has been unpredictable but thats surprising in so many forms that its changed my beliefs to understand that you cant choose the life you want to lead and its direction changes as the days do from monday to sunday- each to their own. still this can be positive. But if this meant each moment is a time bomb where do we draw the line not to be attached because losing everything means we're left with nothing, a mistake that has to be made in order to become a stronger person. The time bomb explodes each new year and usually depending on how we ended it effects how we start 2010 but karma doesnt last forever and one day you'll rise to the occassion and fly to make everything fall into place. Just like a puzzle, the last piece will find its own way eventually just like time fixes things, and as for the bomb there isnt one unless you make one. Dont let the little things get in the way of your dreams because people will still love you through the anger in their eyes because of what you did and the difference we made together.

After all, you only live once.

On this note I would just like to say;

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

With Love



My new year will be spent skiing in Austria and so whatever you do this new years make it special, you never know whats around the corner...

Saturday 12 December 2009

secrets are made to be found out in time

A picture speaks a thousand words until nothing is left unsaid. They tell us stories and remind us of what something or someone used to mean and if they was no photos we'll miss out on more than you'll ever know. We hold onto something forgotten making us miss our past and forgetting our future? They help us move on and take chances. Similar to old messages, these photographs are better left behind with the person you used to be no matter. Whoever you were people respect you for what you did whether you were well known or a shadow. For that reason, they'll always be apart of your past and surely they are grateful for that. Were all here for a reason, mostly to have affect on someones life which can shape theirs for a short or long period of time. However, we have been apart of each other therefore photos cannot lie unless a smile is hidden. A smile has no words cause it takes our breath away for one moment but when that moment has past we have nothing. It's bad enough life is constantly changing direction but it's even worse when someone leaves and gives up on you. We expand from the cocoon into beautiful butterflies free to live life the way we wish, respect the paths people take and let go so dreams can come true. I wont let go and I dont understand why you will...

                Tuesday 17 November 2009

                The View From Here Is Breathtaking

                There are ghosts in the eyes of all the boys you sent away...
                I made a wish that weekend, just like you told me to and it was one moment which left me afraid more than ever. I turned and your eyes glistened like sapphires, they glittered and glowed just like angels. I closed my eyes in hope you could hear my whispering wish but the touch of your hand had a burning sensation which flooded a river of escasty through every inch of my suffering body and then it was complete. I never thought it would feel like this and it was then my mind wandered into a black hole full of revelations that without his presense her life began to crumble and the dark days of which layed ahead looked bleaker than death itself. His heartbreaking smile torched my lungs as they lacked for air, and so their his dark shadow stood below the pouring rain catching every kiss I vowed never to forget. It was then I knew this was meant to be- forever and almost always
                I'll never forget last weekend; i love you tom hill :)

                Sunday 8 November 2009

                Even Fairy Tale Characters Would Be Jealous

                They say love is blind but someone special proved me wrong, but the term friendships are blind is something im willing to believe. Friends are suppose to be elements of fate its how we bond and grow into something much stronger than nature. Theres a time and place where we fear isolation from the people we love most, Im guessing its just one of those days. However, days turn into weeks and the gap between people takes its toll. So friendships are blind due to consequences that follow, the break down of trust to the clash between separate personalities, in conclusion nothing makes sense no more, there are no answers- I guess its life and its flaws that follow. God gave us angels so they could be apart of our lives and protect us, eventually this fades and only becomes apart of our memories. That isnt enough for this girl, so tonights the night the world begins again

                Sunday 18 October 2009

                Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace

                A broken promise is just like a scar, it haunts you and remains there for a lifetime. Its something we never forget and even most of the time never forgive. Even in the people we trust the most once a promise has been broken its all we see. A flaw which remains in all of us and can even crush us. I dont understand it, how can people make promises then break them. Its okay if you have a genuine reason, otherwise its not even worth saying in the first place. And do these thoughts ever float away, I dont know but I'd like to think they do, like a cloud so they can disappear and be non-existent. "Lifes a bitch sometime" too true for my liking, I just want justice and for once, I want someone to keep their promises. You cant get everything you want, like a big house with a porch swing and you dont even get the choice on whether to pay the bills this month but you should have the choice to keep a promise. If a promise isnt kept, you maybe letting the down one of the most important people of your life and for that you may lose everything that ment something- a friend, a family member, or sometimes even a stranger.

                Saturday 17 October 2009

                I heard that you were trouble, but I couldn't resist ;]

                Now this is a good song :)

                HALF TERM :)

                Monday 12 October 2009

                The Worst Day Since Yesterday

                Inspiration and Opportunities are taken for granted, and more importantly what happened to just living a dream? Ideas arent just ideas, they are roads to success. The term "Your Art Matters" will not shout to you unless you believe in change. Change is terrifying, and sometimes it scares me so much I blackout from life just so I can breathe. I dont miss not having the choice to change my course in life, I just wish someone helped me prepare for this stage in my life. Does life have no guidance, are we suppose to learn from our mistakes? And what happens if we're in to deep to be rescued? I dont know, all I know is I have someone, just like Peyton has Lucas and if that was not to work out my life would fall apart, and the inspiration would have fallen with it

                Tuesday 6 October 2009

                The world cant change but you can...

                ahhhhhhh and it autumn people. Time for me to collect my nuts and berries to enter hibination. I don't like being inbetween the main season of winter and summer, just something about it that makes me feel inbetween in life. Theres something magical about love in the summer and the beauty of winter. However, the seasons of spring and autumn represent birth and death, two daunting parts of life I'd rather remain a taboo subject. Recently I have pondered across the universe with my thoughts, one of which left me feeling uneasy- why dont people listen no more.
                Are people so far up their own jackside to not take to heart what people say. I know in some cases this is bad but what if they are just looking out for your health and own-well being? If a friend said nothing, they arent exactly living up to their roles. The barriers we create to keep people out will only produce isolation within ourselves. Does this mean there cannot be relationships or friendships in the future?
                The American Dollar quotes "In God We Trust" how about a revolution and we start to agree with "In Lovers We Trust" or "In Friends We Trust". Certain people need to let go and begin to relate to others, finding out other peoples stories can inspire us to do something different with our lives. Maybe thats the change we all need. No, not need- must.

                And finally, Austria isnt long away and so I got my helmet a few days ago :)

                I adore it, and cant wait to be on the slopes once again

                Thursday 17 September 2009

                My Gucci Is Better Than Yours...

                hello sexy people ;)
                yes, im in one of those moods- no not that one :|
                the saying no news is good news isnt what it seems no more which comes to my attension that Leicester's beloved The Princess Charlotte is to re-open on the 8th October. I myself have had many good (and rather drunken) nights there myself and I first hand is going to experience the opening night. Things never stay the same though even if its the same place or person- atmospheres are what make things eventful. The famous line ups in the past include oasis, the babyshambles staring Peter Doherty and sheffield boys the arctic monkeys. However, is it such that these bands will play again- maybe or maybe not. The whole music industry has changed dramatically and more since the beginning of its time. No longer is there room for bands who just want to play music for music sake, nor is there time avaliable to non-mainstream bands. This is it, the conclusion to our problem- wheres the love in music? The current venue is tiny compared to other venues such as Birmingham Acadamy and Nottingham Rescue Rooms. But the grotty, old pub has that sense of history and quality around the dindgy toilets and fallen ceiling tiles. In fact, its not the gig, nor the bands local or famous that make the venue such a celebrity- its the night and the people who make history. The passion you feel in the crowd is unbelievable and you'll never find that in other venues across Leicester. Its a desire and something you wont understand unless you've been there, done that and got the cuts and bruises from moshing or even a little bit of a rave. The new owners are under alot of pressure to live up to their idols name but a lick of paint here and there wouldn't go a miss on the old gal. The Princess Charlotte re-opening its doors is our fairytale but the people you celebrate it with, well thats the happy ending.

                Tuesday 18 August 2009

                "One Night In Paris" Wont Make Us Last Forever...

                Well well well; What can I say. You know the feeling when you want something so bad but you think it wont be as good when you get it- Summer Sundae proved me wrong. For a family festival it offered so much that you probably needed a few more days to complete the whole campus it had to give. I was amazed by everyones enthuasim towards the event- I loved seeing the Mystery Jets even though I wasn't familiar with their music. Oh and yes heres a shout out to all my new friends- especially podge (strongbow is good for you and you know it; LOL) Anyways Videos are on at so do take time to view them if you like. For the rest of the weekend was pretty much no sleep and all party which means im pretty hungover and tired but you special people have this blog to read ;D. Anyways, Im going to catch up on a well deserved sleep. Toodle Pip.

                Love and Peace; xxxx

                Sunday 2 August 2009

                just a quick note...

                Hey bloggers and nosy people :)

                just need to inform you that I wont be blogging for a few weekends ahead due to summer sundae and the upcoming vacation :( now dont moan, i promise i will be back up and running soon.
                You will be seeing the expensive photos of myself looking a wreck at this festival along with all the best ones of the performers.

                Before I leave you all (boo hoo :(!) I thought you should know some facts about myself, so i'm not a total stranger.

                - In 2009/10 I will be studying my first year of a-levels. I will be taking English Literature, Art, Media and Physcology
                - I enjoy music, photography, skiing and spending time with friends.
                - Sorry boys, or girls- I have a knight in shinning armour
                - And finally, This blog is helping me pursue ideas for a novel I am attempting to write. Im not giving anything away just yet but maybe a little taster will be up via blogger nearer to Hallowe'en :)

                I hope all of you are enjoying the summer no matter how or where you spend it and I cant wait to get back to blogging you will all my bullshit.

                Love to you all. Peace

                Saturday 1 August 2009

                Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly

                Hey fellow reader :)

                I know, I know I set this blog up months ago but i'll let you into a little secret on why I have been so distant. The truth is, a typical British summer has arrived and it may be my last before I head off into the world of A-levels.

                Anyways on with the show-
                The pilot of this blog is a rather annoyed feeling bubbling away at my brains, normality? what is normal- some say having children should be normal, but are the women who cant concieve to be blamed for their misfortune. In my case it doesnt involve children but some peoples way of expressing themselves which I believe to be completly normal but in others not. For your information this may make no sense of all, its just myself blowing off some steam from a particular incident in which I was left feeling uneasy.

                Ahhh yes to continue the next few weeks will be full of good times and nonetheless fantastic memories. On the agenda, summer sundae, GCSE results, holiday, and the long await back to school which im rather glad is coming so weekly.
                The weather is- well to be blunt; CRAP butI havent wrote something in that long I may hve forgot how to spell my own name (jokes). I hope things dont completly change when I go back to college- however change in inevitable and thats one fear I must overcome if to survive in the real world instead of some fantasy bubble which has been protecting me for the last sixteen years. The facts of life are tough and no one laid down the law when you are to be faced with reality. I suppose thats it isnt it? Some will cope others will fall but in order to get back up you need a safety net- I call them my friends.

                Hope to be blogging back sooner than possible.
                Love to you all- peace